artificial insemination center
Sr. No. Services Service Provider Service Delivery Period Remarks 01. Treatment and prescription of sick cattle and poultry VS 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (after office hours if necessary) (a) Free at hospital (b) Subject to payment of prescribed fee at farmer's house/farm/chamber (c ) Cattle and Poultry Samples (dung, sample testing and sending to Regional Diagnostic Laboratory as required. Free 02. (a) Supply/Sale of Cattle and Poultry Vaccination Seed U,L,O/U,L,A /V,F,A as per price list (b) Supply of cuttings seeds of improved varieties of grass (subject to receipt) 03. (a) Farmer training for technology transfer Training in livestock and poultry rearing. As per the project resources ( b) Selection of beneficiaries for disbursement of small loans and collection of loans. According to the rules of the scheme (c) Inspection/collection of samples and diagnosis of diseases related to cattle and poultry and taking necessary measures. Free of charge (d) Individually owned Encouraging establishment of livestock and poultry farms and taking measures for registration subject to payment of prescribed fees as per government rules (e) emergency treatment and vaccination of livestock and poultry during natural calamities with the cooperation of local administration, public representatives and private service organizations And distribution of relief. (f) Grants to farmers/farmers of improved breeds of cattle and poultry free of cost as per Government rules. U, L, O and V, S as per the policy announced by the Government (g) Identification of diseased areas and taking measures to provide necessary vaccination. (h) Insemination of cows brought to artificial insemination centers/points, pregnancy testing of pregnant cows. F,A (A,I) Trained Volunteer O Frozen 30/= Service Provider : Upazila Livestock Officer Hathajari, Chittagong. Telephone No. : 031-2601152
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS